Wednesday, August 13, 2014

When You Assume…

Allow me to introduce myself. Just a brief introduction before I come to the heart of this post. 

Call me Rhae (Pronounced Ray). Yes, that is my real name, or, middle name, at least. I am a college student and an employee at a day care. I would go on and on telling you about my likes and dislikes, my aspirations, and my life story, however, that would defeat the purpose of a blog, wouldn't it? 

Well, perhaps not all blogs. But it would defeat the purpose of my blog. For my blog is almost a public diary. A place for me to open up and write about anything that is on my mind and heart at that moment. I pray that this blog will, in some way, inspire someone, or help somebody else in any way possible. And should it not, at least it is a place for me to release my thoughts openly. 

Now to the heart of this post. 

These past few days I have been swamped with stress. I feel as though I'm drowning and I'm not sure why. It's all so little, and yet, as each minuscule item falls upon my shoulders, it weighs me further and further down, until I feel stuck and unable to move. 

Today was the final brick on my back that has caused my to fall face first onto the pavement. I feel battered and bruised, and I am fighting to stand back up and move forward. 

I would start at the beginning to explain to you everything that has been on my plate as of late, however, that would take far too long and bore so many of you to death, so let me say this instead: 

Never assume you know what somebody is going through. And Never tell them that it is insignificant or unimportant compared to your, or anybody else for that matter's, problems. Everybody has their own issues, and everybody is affected by different things in different ways. Yes, there is probably somebody worse off than them, but that in no way makes their problems any less important. 

Unfortunately, I have had this happen several times in a week's time, and it hurts to know that people don't see how much I'm hurting or struggling to stay strong. It kills me when I see people like, yes, Robin Williams, who can walk around with such a vibrant smile, and yet be dying inside. It isn't right. None of it is right. The disrespect, the assumptions, the poking fun, and mocking, and sharp tongues… None of it should be accepted. 

And should you disregard somebody's problem, or tell them it isn't as important as yours, or is lame, or anything else to that effect, then reflect on your words and actions, and apologize. (Should you like, I shall write another post on what makes a good and heartfelt apology). 

So, my lovelies, I shall stop there for now. I have so many thoughts and ideas swirling through my head and clouding my mind that I shan't write any longer, or else the writing on the page may become cloudy and confused. 

Good night, my darling readers! 
Keep on shining.